F&D Magazine Publishes Full Issue on the Economics of Talent

Finance & Development magazine, a quarterly print and digital publication of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), today released a full issue devoted to the Economics of Talent (EoT)

The cover story, by Global Talent Fund co-founders Ruchir Agarwal and Patrick Gaule, lays out the key questions the growing EoT field is investigating and insights on what researchers have learned so far.

The issue features stories on:

  • How to democratize innovation by London School of Economics Professor Xavier Jaravel
  • The importance of human talent in the AI age by the IMF's Marina M. Tavares
  • How attracting talent boosts economies by Harvard Business School Professor William Kerr
  • How education reduces poverty by the World Bank's Amory Gethin
  • The value of vocational training by journalist Maria Petrakis
  • Rising Brazilian MP Tabata Amaral discussing how math & science Olympiads have fueled her success

Read the full issue online here, or download the PDF here.